Kubernetes training:
4-day basic course

Experience Kubernetes in our interactive evening course for beginners, available in two flexible formats.

Kubernetes training:
4-day basic course

Experience Kubernetes in our interactive evening course for beginners, available in two flexible formats.

Benefit from our wealth of experience from countless customer projects

Experience a balanced mix of theory, live demonstrations and practical exercises.

During the course of the program, you will be immersed in the essential concepts of container management and cluster configuration through interactive live coding sessions.

Building on this theoretical foundation, you will have the opportunity to apply your knowledge in independent exercises.

This hands-on methodology ensures that you actively develop and apply Kubernetes skills.

Choose between two course formats

What you will learn in this course

  • 1

    Review of the basics of containers and microservices.

  • 2

    Understanding of cloud-native and the role of Kubernetes and its architecture.

  • 3

    Design, development and operation of cloud-native applications on Kubernetes.

develeropers using kubernetes

This course is perfect for you if

  • have a basic understanding of Linux systems and the use of the command line.

  • you already have knowledge of basic DevOps concepts (optional).

Required hardware & infrastructure

You will need a PC or Mac with a web browser and MS Teams.
During the training, we will provide you with a virtual machine with the required local dependencies, services and root access.
This VM has a running Kubernetes cluster on which you can test and execute the training instructions.
You can access the machine via a browser or SSH if you wish and the network restrictions allow it

How will the course run?

  1. Basic architectures of software architecture and microservices
  2. Communication protocols
  3. Scalability & monitoring of microservices
  4. Cloud-native applications & 12-factor app
  1. Introduction: Containers
  2. Container technology – beyond Docker
  3. The blueprint – Dockerfiles
  4. Creating single and multi-level containers
  5. Docker Networks & Data
  1. What and why: Kubernetes
  2. Kubernetes architecture and components
  3. Knots in action
  1. The basic building blocks: Pods
  2. Blueprint for applications : Services
  3. Up and running: Deployments
  4. Configure your apps with ConfigMaps
  1. Take control with kubectl
  2. Stylish control – k9s
  3. Helmet & Kustomize
  1. Pods and their life cycle
  2. How to deploy:: Deployments, Hosts, Deamon & Replicas
  3. Configuration of applications
  1. Deep dive ConfigMaps
  2. Secrets: from introduction to best practice
  1. Excursus – Deployment strategies
  2. Scaling your applications
  3. Upgrading your application
  4. Scaling of Kubernetes itself
  1. The Metrics Server
  2. Prometheus & Grafana
  3. What do you need to monitor?
  4. Dash Kubernetes dashboard
  1. Introduction to load balancing & Ingress
  2. Service Discovery & Mash with Istio
  3. Cubeadm

What other participants of the Kubernetes course say

Ultra Tendency’s Kubernetes course was a great experience for me! The combination of theory, live demos and practical exercises helped me to really understand the basics of container management and cluster configuration.
I was particularly impressed by the hands-on approach, which allowed me to actively develop my skills.

The trainers were competent and always available to answer questions. The learning atmosphere was motivating and enjoyable.
Overall, I can recommend Ultra Tendency’s Kubernetes course to anyone who wants to develop their skills in this area.
I am very satisfied and look forward to applying what I have learned.

– Oliver Manteufel

Well, who would have thought that I would have so much fun in a Kubernetes course?
Ultra Tendency really nailed it!
Sure, it was about container management and cluster configuration, but hey, the live demos and hands-on exercises made it really entertaining.

The trainers were great, even if they sometimes got so nerdy that I thought we had landed in Silicon Valley.
But well, they knew their stuff and answered every question, even the craziest ones.
The learning atmosphere was relaxed, but I swear if I hear the word “container” one more time I’m going to go crazy.

Seriously, I really learned something and was able to apply what I learned in the exercises right away.
So, if you’re ready to dive into the world of Kubernetes and meet some nerds who love talking about containers, then this course is for you.
I enjoyed it, even if I’m dreaming about containers now.

– Elisabeth Werther

Your investment

2089 €
  • 32 hours of concentrated basic knowledge
  • Combination of theory and practice with live demos and exercises to actively develop skills.
  • Basics of containers and microservices, understanding of cloud-native, the role of Kubernetes and its architecture
  • Design, development and operation of cloud-native applications on Kubernetes

Get to know your Kubernetes professionals

Hudhaifa Ahmed

Senior Lead Big Data Developer & Berlin Territory Manager, Ultra Tendency

Matthias Baumann

Chief Technology Officer & Principal Big Data Solutions Architect Lead, Ultra Tendency

Maxim Wandrowski

Senior Big Data DevOps Engineer, Ultra Tendency